Written by Brook Schaaf

Yes, I am writing a book on affiliate marketing. No, the title will not be “My Booky Wook.” Although it is the very BEST possible, platonically perfect form of book title-ness, the scoundrel Russell Brand already appropriated it for himself some years ago, which probably explains his later conversion to Christianity – it being his only hope of forgiveness for such selfishness (sigh). Thus, I am left searching and groping in the veritable book title wilderness, hoping to avoid a leopard, lion, or she-wolf as that Dante fellow did.

In happier news, the content is coming together quite nicely, though I should like to make it as good and thorough as possible. This is where you, dear reader, might lend a helping hand. This newsletter has a strong reach among affiliate industry insiders and I would like to vet and proof the ideas in the book. It occurred to me that I might do this in one fell swoop rather than in innumerable one-on-one conversations. 

Here is the proposal: on Thursday, February 20th, I shall host a webinar to present the outline of the book, which will include an overview of affiliate marketing, an argument that more dollars should flow through this channel, and pathways for realizing this vision. The goal of eliciting this feedback is to see how the claims are perceived and comprehended and accepted or rejected as well as to fill in any gaps. 

If you would like to attend (anonymously), please sign up here. In appreciation for your participation, you’ll receive, should you so desire, an acknowledgment in the book and a copy after it is published. Thank you for your readership, kindness, and consideration.

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